Tae Kwon Kid or TKK is a program designed specifically for kids 5 & 6 years of age. The main focus of this class is to introduce the student to a Tae Kwon Do classroom structure that utilizes proper blocking-punching-kicking technique while learning to follow directions and controlling their energy. The student is taught the Number One Rule in Tae Kwon Do is "no kicking or punching your Brothers, Sisters, Moms & Dads, Grandparents, cousins,friends or at school." Korean Terminology is learned in a fun environment while the child is allowed to vocalize their EXCITEMENT!!
Each class starts and ends with the traditional bowing ceremony. At the end of every class the students get to play a Tae Kwon Kid game that teaches motor skills, hand/foot and eye coordination , in addition to getting exercise that helps to strengthen their kicking. PLUS it is just plain FUN!!!